最近看到灰风GreyWind的一篇图像滤镜算法的文章分享一下。 灰度滤镜 将颜色的RGB设置为相同的值即可使得 […]...
Read xml from Resouces folder, and convert to array/dictionary
Create a XML file with name “DB.xml”, and p […]...
NGUI UILabel encoding example
[00FF00]改變色碼[-] [b]粗體[/b][i]斜體[/i][u]下底線[/u][s]刪除線[/s] […]...
Spin like “Google Earth” in Unity
It’s complicated than I thought… #pragma st […]...
how to create instance in Unity
#1 Create Class Car. using UnityEngine; using System.Co […]...
Json Parser
A very useful tools for checking Json format error. htt […]...